Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Passing of the Chief

I was deeply saddened to learn about the passing of Chief Kao Min-zheng, the chief of the Atolan aboriginal community in Dulan, Taitung. He suffered a heart attack while on a performing tour in China.

He was only 67 years old... very young for an Amis chief to pass on -- it is the first time a chief has passed away before his five-year term as chief is over.
他當時只有67歲…在逝世的阿美族頭目中算是很年輕的 - - 這是第一個在任職的五年內逝世的頭目。

He became chief shortly after I joined the Amis Atolan tribe, entering my age rank known as "La Zhong Chau". I remember how hard he worked to meet the expectations of the people and of his position as chief, and how seriously he took his position. And while it is a tragedy that he died so far away from home, it is a testament to his commitment that he passed away while on tour, promoting awareness about Atolan culture.
在他擔任頭目之後,我很快的便加入了阿美族都蘭部落,以我的年齡地位被稱為「La Zhong Chau」。我還記得他是以認真工作來達到人民的期望和他自己頭目的位子,並且很認真的看待他的職位。之後悲劇發生,他在離家鄉很遠的地方過世,在巡迴中過世是對他投入人們宣揚提升對都蘭文化的意識抬頭最好的證明。

I pray now for this Chief, his family and friends, and for the Atolan people who must now face the decision of how to appoint new leadership.

I will remember him well, sitting at Dulan Point in his traditional clothing... and that is where I believe his spirit will tether.

Good bye for now, my Chief. You will join a new age rank now, and observe your people from the heavens over Dulan.

I trust we shall meet again.

Most sincerely,

Matthew (MaShow) Lien 馬修連恩

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