Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The last ten minutes

From my Taipei studio on the 12th floor, I have a great view of Taipei city and the 101 building. But that does not inspire me as much as what I watched in the last ten minutes.

As I was passing by the windows on the west side of my floor, I noticed the sun was setting.

Because of the clouds and the pollution, the sun was easily looked at directly -- a deep-red ball slowly sinking to the horizon.

I decided to take ten minutes, grab a chair, and watch the sun set entirely because, when you think about it, how many more times in our life on Earth will we have the opportunity to watch our magnificent sun go down over the horizon?

As I watched, I calibrated my perspective (as I always do at these times), remembering first, that the sun is not "setting", but rather that the Earth is rolling away from the sun.

Upon recalling this point, I then consider which way is north, and that my location is just above the equator, so I can really "feel" how the Earth is rolling and in which direction we are rolling.

Once I can really feel this, I then consider that as the sun is setting for us in Taipei, it is bringing new light to the western lands -- to the far reaches of China, central Asia, and of course eastern Africa. And because this is December now, the sunlight will be favoring southern lands more than those in the north.

As I imagine all this, I give thanks to God for creating such an amazing universe! I mean, is this a super-cool planet we live on, or what???!!!

I then say a little prayer, in hopes that as the sun brings its love to those western lands, this will be a good day for all those who will rise today.

May this be a good day, full of love, and may it bring every one who feels the sun's warmth a better life.

What a great ten minutes that was! :)

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Ignoring Traditional Culture

The following "letter to the editor" was published on Friday, Jun 19, 2009, on Page 8 of the Taipei Times (sister-paper of the Liberty Times).


Friday, Jun 19, 2009, Page 8

Ignoring traditional culture

I have to say that, while your competition’s bold all-caps headlines are eye catching, I’ve remained loyal to the Taipei Times for your generally balanced take on Taiwan’s developments.

This opinion is also set forth in your own 10-year anniversary ads, where you claim to be “the nation’s most reliable and comprehensive” newspaper, with “the inside scoop on the arts,” and on those “whose contributions to society deserve to be recorded.”

Apparently, Taiwan’s musicians and producers in the field of traditional arts and culture do not meet your criteria, as the nation’s prime music awards ceremony for traditional arts and culture earned nary a drop of your ink.

Or perhaps you were unaware that the Government Information Office has divided the 20th annual Golden Melody Awards into two ceremonies — an upcoming one for pop, and the other for traditional arts and culture, which came and went on June 6, at Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall.

In my opinion, this splitting of the awards was newsworthy in itself.

Why was traditional arts and culture segregated from what most would describe as the main event? Is it because traditional arts and culture are deemed to be of little interest? Or were there other motivations?

Whatever the case, we should care. And more importantly, you should have reported this.

A stroll through your pages on any given day reveals a growing concern that Taiwanese culture is being sidelined in favor of mainstream — and mainland (Chinese) — interests. So how could this development, and this event, have gone unnoticed?

Taiwan’s cultures are struggling to survive, with many facing the risk of becoming extinct. Hokklo (also known as Taiwanese) and Hakka cultures are in decline, and UNESCO rates every Aboriginal language in Taiwan as either in danger of extinction or already extinct.

With music at the heart of tradition culture, a failure to support traditional and cultural music can only aggravate the problem.

As a three-time nominee at this year’s awards (for best arranger, cross-over album and producer), I would have appreciated not only coverage of the awards, but a solid critique, as well. Many felt the performances did not do justice to Taiwan’s traditional cultures, and only by critiquing such events can we hope to improve on them in the future.

But by not reporting at all, you only serve to confirm the likely justification for segregating and marginalizing traditional arts and culture — that nobody really cares.

Indeed, if the Taipei Times — our great bastion of local culture — doesn’t deem traditional and cultural music to be newsworthy, then who should? And I suppose, from a reporting perspective, pop has so much more to offer.

Your very own “Pop Stop” column was right on top of this year’s POP-ular Golden Melody news, reporting that Jay Chou (周杰倫) has eight nominations, while Wang Lee-hom (王力宏) has secured two nominations.

Reading on, I learned that for his birthday, Wang purchased a used car, which the Environmental Protection Administration says “spews out 35 times more in pollutants than a new car.”

Now that is newsworthy.

Reading a little further, I learned that Jolin Tsai (蔡依林) “showed off her sexy moves” in a concert with Singaporean Stefanie Sun (孫燕姿), who dressed up as “a lobster-red creature from outer space” and “promised to fix Tsai up with some male action.”

On the other hand, those bold caps headlines are starting to look a little more appealing.


Saturday, May 9, 2009

Pondering Mothers' Day - 母親節的沉思

I celebrated Mothers' Day today, with my new Taiwan family in Taichung County. 我今天在台中縣和我新的台灣家人一起慶祝母親節.

It was a wonderful day, with many generations of mothers and family gathering together, including those of the "great-grand" generation (great grandparents, uncles and aunts) all the way down to their great grandchildren.這是非常美好的一天,不同年齡層的母親們和家人都聚在一起,從曾祖父母一直到曾孫,所有的世代都到齊了.

Being together for this special day caused me to think of the obvious -- the miracle of birth and the great sacrifice that mothers make -- and to ponder the subtle. 在這特別的一天身為其中的一員,讓我可以清晰地了解 -- 生命的奇蹟和母親的偉大犧牲 -- 並且沉思於其中的奧妙.

I watched the grandmother (soon-to-be-great grandmother) as the festivities carried on around her, and I wondered if she missed her husband who had passed away some years ago. Did she miss him especially at this time? Does she long to feel his adoration and thanks for raising his children, on this special day? Does it ache in her heart that he can not be here with her now?我看著大家圍繞著祖母身邊歡慶(很快地祖母就會成為曾祖母了),我想著...不知道她是否思念著她已過世的丈夫.她會特別在這日子中懷念他嗎?她仍感受到他的愛慕之情及感謝養育子 女之意嗎?她心中是否會感傷他無法與她共度這別具意義的日子呢?

And I thought about the mothers in the world who have lost their children, and I wondered how they were feeling tonight... are they suffering greatly, or do they sense the spirit of their departed children with them?... or do they simply feel an emptiness which can never be filled?我也想到那些失去子女的母親們,不知道她們今晚會有甚麼感受.....她們仍深陷痛苦中,或是她們可以感受到子女的靈魂仍未離開?.....或是她們無止盡地感受無法被填滿的心靈空洞?

I watched as children played, and the elderly sat watching, and I pondered life and how some elderly mothers in this room are nearing the end of their time in the world, while little girls are just beginning and will one day become mothers... and later, they too will become the elderly and watch as children play around them.我看著老人家們坐在一旁看著小孩子玩耍,我思考人生之意義,老媽媽們是如何經過人生的歷練即將面臨尾聲,小女孩正要開始長大,有一天也會成為母親,並像老媽媽們有子孫環繞著....

As I watch and wonder at the mystery and miracle of life, I simply hope that happiness and fulfillment will overwhelm the loss and suffering in us all, and instill in us a sense of bliss for being born into the world. 當我看著想著生命的奧妙神奇之處時,我單純的希望,喜悅與滿足能在受苦失落的大眾內心深處滋長,讓我們在這世界的存在有所感恩.

MaShow 馬修

Monday, February 16, 2009

Goodbye to a friend 再見了朋友

Today I said goodbye to my friend, Lawa.
今天我跟我一個朋友 “拉娃” 說了再見。

I have known her for many years, as a friend, as a musician and music lover, and as an activist working to relieve world hunger and promote aboriginal culture.

Lawa left this world suddenly, leaving many friends and family grieving at her unexpected departure.

Her passing causes me to marvel at the mystery of life, and how someone so vibrant can so quickly vanish from our presence.

It also refreshes my awareness of how powerful music is, that it can build so many bridges between so many hearts.

As I joined her friends and family at the memorial service this morning, the depth of pain was felt most poignantly by her family members.

I do hope the mystery of life will bring some peace to their hearts, for just as birth is beyond our ability to comprehend, so too is death, and there is so much more to this journey than we can ever know.

And so we are left to wonder, where has Lawa gone, and more importantly, when will we all meet again?

Today I say goodbye -- for now -- and thank you, Lawa, for all you have done.

MaShow 馬修

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Taiwan River Ambassador

January 19 was an extremely interesting and important day for me. I was invited to Taichung to receive an appointment as Taiwan's River Ambassador by the Central Government's Ministry of Water Resources (WRA), and to participate in a symposium about river ecology.

It was an honour to be introduced by WRA Director Chen Shen hsien, as we share the same passion for rivers. Rivers have long been at the heart of my musical activism because, as Director Chen expressed, they truly are the life's blood of an ecosystem. They have touched every living thing within their watersheds. They support complex freshwater ecosystems, which support shoreline ecosystems, which support river valley ecosystems and so on.

And when we consider all the life they support, this in turn means they have supported the evolution of both the local ecology as well as the traditional and aboriginal cultures which have thrived there.

One of the most important barometers of a region's ecological wellbeing are its rivers. This is why I co-founded the Annual Yukon Wildlands Concerts in 1994 which involved bringing artists, photographers and musicians on river expeditions to create multimedia concerts. These concerts raised awareness about the issues which threaten river ecosystems.

Taiwan is lucky to have so many magnificent rivers. But Taiwan's rivers are facing tremendous challenges due to overdevelopment, water management, pollution, and a dense population which uses the water for consumption, energy, and pollution drainage.

Taiwan also has an extreme topography resulting in volatile and powerful rivers, creating flood concerns compounded by unwise construction habits within river flood plains.

Taiwan's population base puts a great strain on water supplies, as only about 10% of Taiwan's rainfall is in the most populous regions. Efforts to control flooding and create water reserves have caused serious damage to Taiwan rivers and have become a growing concern among environmental groups.

There are also cultural issues to contend with, such as the Amis aboriginal riverside village of Sanying in Taipei County which is facing forced relocation due to water safety policies and land ownership disputes.

I hope to use my position as River Ambassador to inspire people about the importance of rivers and the ecosystems and cultures they support, and to encourage local and central governments to consider new approaches to river management in additional to protecting original river habitat.

It has long been my dream to produce songs -- stories of sound -- by recording each river's culture and nature from the headwaters to the sea, and in this way create an album for the largest rivers in Taiwan. My last project like this, called "A Journey of Water," focused on one county of Taiwan. I hope a project for all of Taiwan's major rivers would raise greater awareness and appreciation for the rivers of Taiwan.

Happy New Year of the Cow! 牛年新年快樂!

As many of you know, the piano is the most important tool I have for expressing myself.

The most important moments I've spent expressing myself, have been when I and the piano are alone.

These experiences are meditation for me. They are the source of much inspiration, and the most precious moments of composition.

A small scale piano or electronic piano do not have the ability to inspire, and so due to financial limitations in my youth, and later my traveling lifestyle, it was never possible for me to own a piano of truly inspiring scale.

As a composer, there have been so many times when I would visit music instruments stores, or sneak around music universities and theaters and recording studios, in hopes of finding a concert-scale grand piano and express myself alone.

When I was successful in finding a piano, tears would flow just as the music flowed from my heart through my fingers and into the piano. And this energy would then come back from the deep well within the piano, to telling me where the music should flow next.

And this is how I have often composed my music, in hiding and in secret.

As a professional performer, the only opportunity I had to develop my skills on the piano was when I was preparing for a concert tour. But this did not provide me the opportubuty to improve my skills as a pianist, or to achieve my true potential.

But now all this has changed.

On January 21, a Yamaha C7 arrived at my Taipei music studio. This is certainly one of the most important purchases I have ever made, and signals a new era in my creative life.

I wish to thank Yamaha Taiwan for their support. For ten years they have supplied pianos for my performances in Taiwan -- sometimes in very unusual and remote places! But the support they have provided with this new piano has been so touching!

11 hours before the piano arrived, I was watching the inauguration speech of President Obama. I had voted for him during the election, and I continue to feel hopeful when I hear him speak.

It is this new sense of hope for the new year and for our future in this world, that is underscored by the arrival of this piano.

I am looking forward to applying myself to creating new works which inspire change for a better world.

I wish you all a happy, loving and rewarding new year of the cow!

Matthew (MaShow)

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Be the culprit, or be the change - 成為罪犯或成為改變的人

“… and the Germans kill the Jews and the Jews kill the Arabs and the Arabs kill the hostages and that is the news.” ~ Roger Waters

~Roger Waters

Is one life worth so much more — or less — than another?

Israel is currently hammering the Palestinians over the threat of small-scale rocket attacks fired from Gaza.

Gaza has long been in a stranglehold of Israeli control; its territories confiscated and walled in, its borders throttled and its people starving.

With memories reeling from Israel’s attack on Lebanon, the magnitude of the current retaliation is once again being referred to as “disproportionate”.

That is an understatement in my eyes. No extinguishing of human life is acceptable, and the scale the current attack is troubling in that high numbers of deaths are guaranteed.

At ten days into the conflict, the death count was 530 Palestinians to 4 Israelis.

At twelve days, more than 700 Palestinians have been killed, including 219 children and 89 women (children make up more than half of Gaza’s population) and the number of wounded Palestinians has risen to over 3,100.

By comparison, 7 Israeli soldiers (3 of these mistakenly killed by Israeli weapons) and 4 civilians have been killed.

“Disproportionate” to say the least.

The United Nations Security Council failed to pass a resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire because the United States opposed, saying that a return to the previous situation is unacceptable.

But as Mr. Bush and other world leaders recline on their fine upholstery and speak with feigned concern about the conflict, human voices are silenced never again to grace the air.

If all human life is equal in value, the previous situation is far more desirable.

The previous situation involved unguided short-range rockets fired from Gaza into Israel, and while this has surely been a terrifying threat for those living within range, it has rarely resulted in injury or death.

But Israel has used this as the basis for airstrikes, and now an invasion resulting in the very “disproportionate” killing of innocents.但以色列以這為依據發起空襲,及現在的入侵造成的非常“不平等的”殺害無相關的人。

Snuffing out someone’s chance to see their family again is unacceptable, and converting one loved-and-laughing child into a crying orphan, a screaming amputee, or a silent corpse is out of the question.

And any elected official who merely chats policy while the dead are stuffed into overcrowded morgue refrigeration chambers should take a front-row seat in the strike zone — courtesy of their electorate — as their capacity for compassion has run dry. We do not need such people in positions of power.
當死者被塞進過度擁擠的太平間,所有只會談論政策的推舉官員們因該在攻擊區裡選在最前面的位子坐著 - 來回饋給投給他們的選民 – 當他們的同情心都沒有了。我們不需要這樣的人擁有這樣的力量。

There are countless theories as to the underlying reason for this assault and the perplexing US’ reaction, with economic interests glaringly apparent — indeed the vast majority of Israel’s high-tech war toys are sold to them by the US.
對於這個攻擊和美國令人困惑的反應背後有許多潛在理由的理論,以經濟利益最為突顯 – 實際上許多高科技戰爭武器是由美國販售於以色列的。

But just as this military action should be defined as a war crime, it should also be a crime for the US to provide so much weaponry to one side of the conflict and then sit by while thousands of unarmed people suffer the results.

If we as humans upon this Earth share an equal right to life, the “path of least death” should be the chosen course.

Let’s consider a few options:

a) If Israel attacks Gaza, thousands of men, women and children will be seriously injured or killed.
a) 如果以色列攻擊加薩,成千上萬的男人、女人和小孩將會受傷或是被殺害。

b) If Israel does absolutely nothing, many-times-fewer people will be seriously injured or killed.
b) 如果以色列沒有任何的動作的話,時間久了就會有更少人會受傷或被殺害。

c) If Israel does not engage in military retaliation and agrees to return contentious land to the Palestinian people, ease border controls so people can work and food and supplies can return to Gaza, and strive to build trust and respect, then perhaps rocket attacks would cease and nobody would die for a while.
c) 如果以色列不參與軍事報復及答應回歸存有爭議性的土地給巴勒斯坦的人民,放鬆邊境管制讓人民可以工作之後食物及供應品可以回到加薩,並且努力建立信任及尊重,或許終止飛彈攻擊將有一段時間不會有人死亡。

Surely, the only thing Israel is building now is deep-seated pain and hatred and a sense of hopelessness, creating a world of spiraling violence.

I believe most of us wish to live in a world of reason, love, compassion and peace, where all share in the right to life.

If we and our policies embody that for which we wish, it must surely come to pass.

Be the culprit, or be the change.