Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Looking for some peace of mind

Feeling a strong need to get out of this city (Taipei) and listen to the cleansing sounds of nature, I headed out last night, going up Bei-yi Gong Lu (a winding mountain road which links Taipei and Yi-lan).


My original plan was to visit my dear friend A-kiang in Yi-lan, where we were going to record a Bei-guan Opera master for a song I am creating (more on that later).


But my plans changed as my departure from Taipei was delayed, and because road conditions were pretty bad... it seems the recent "super typhoon" caused sections of the road to collapse into the mountain valley.


As I was driving my BMW motorcycle, I finally realized the conditions were too dangerous and decided to cancel the recording, but I did leave myself a bit of time to just sit there in the mountains and look across the dark valley, listening to the river below.


Although short, it was a much needed time and gave me a small sense of returning peace for my busy and sometimes-nervous mind.


Tonight, I am off to an interview for ASUS (I love those guys... and their gear!!!) and then off for a two-day trip to Hsinchu.


We'll see how long this peace of mind lasts... but I guess I'll be needing some more natural recharging (and much more deeply) very very soon.


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